Hydrogen: 40 Review Papers July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Molecular hydrogen application in stroke In Review papers by CHESS March 24, 2021 Stroke is a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Effective treatments are limited. Molecular hydrogen is emerging as a...
Hydrogen: 2 Skin Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Improvement of psoriasis-associated arthritis by treatment with molecular hydrogen In Human studies, Inflammation, Skin by CHESS December 3, 2016 Psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, is caused by infiltrating lymphocytes and associated cytokines, including tumor...
Hydrogen: 7 Nervous System Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Inhalation of hydrogen in Parkinson’s disease In Human studies, Nervous system by CHESS August 15, 2020 Hyposmia is one of the earliest and the most common symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD). The benefits of...
Hydrogen: 2 Muscle Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Effectiveness of oral and topical hydrogen for sports-related soft tissue injuries In Human studies, Muscle by CHESS January 9, 2015 Because hydrogen therapy has been found beneficial for the treatment of inflammation, ischemia-reperfusion injury,...
Hydrogen: 5 Metabolism Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Hydrogen-rich water decreases serum LDL-cholesterol levels and improves HDL function In Metabolism by CHESS June 25, 2014 Authors have found that hydrogen (dihydrogen; H2) has beneficial lipid-lowering effects in high-fat diet-fed Syrian golden...
Hydrogen: 3 Kidney Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Hydrogen-rich water in patients with interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndrome In Human studies, Kidney by CHESS October 17, 2013 The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of hydrogen-rich water for...
Hydrogen: 3 Inflammation Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Hydrogen-rich water improved liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis B In Human studies, Inflammation by CHESS July 4, 2014 This study investigated effects of hydrogen-rich water (HRW) on oxidative stress, liver function and...
Hydrogen: 9 Exercise Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Exercise Studies Hydrogen-rich water affects antioxidant activity and gut flora in soccer players In Exercise, Human studies by CHESS April 17, 2020 Expending a considerable amount of physical energy inevitably leads to fatigue during...
Hydrogen: 2 Cardiovascular Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Breathing hydrogen-oxygen mixture decreases inspiratory effort In Cardiovascular, Human studies by CHESS September 3, 2020 Hydrogen-oxygen mixture (H2-O2) may reduce airway resistance in patients with acute severe tracheal stenosis, yet data supporting the clinical...
Hydrogen: 3 Cancer Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Hydrogen-controlled cancer In Cancer, Human studies by CHESS July 30, 2020 Advanced cancer treatment is a huge challenge and new ideas and strategies are required. Hydrogen exerts antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that may be...
Hydrogen: 35 Human Studies July 06, 2023Leslie Strachan Inhalation of hydrogen in Parkinson’s disease In Human studies, Nervous system by CHESS August 15, 2020 Hyposmia is one of the earliest and the most common symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD). The benefits of...
The Power of Ultra Pure Hydrogen-Infusion May 30, 2023Leslie Strachan Hydrogen is the Ultimate Antioxidant Hydrogen is crucial to metabolism, recovery and repair. Hydrogen is the lightest element in the universe, able to penetrate all cells and act as a...