Listen to the recording by clicking here.
Couldn't make it to the LOCK'DIN Twitter Spaces session? Don't worry - you can take a listen to the recording right here. Appearances from company leaders, guest visits by ambassadors/celebrities, Q&A's, and #LockdinNation showing their support are just a few of the cool things you'll catch.
Appearances By:
New LOCK'DIN Ambassador, former NFL wide receiver/kickoff returner, CFL Hall of Famer - Chad Owens
IG: @chadowens2
X: @chadowens2
Chief Executive Officer - Tom Zarro @tom_zarro
Chief Science Officer - Joe Pavlik @lockdinjoe
Manager, Community Relations - Mikey @LockdInMikey
Ambassador Liasion/Project Manager - Shannon @LockdinShannon
...and others from @LiveLockdIn nation.
Listen to the recording by clicking here.